
While we were in Haltiala with tens of other people, suddenly Oona was all alone in the swing. The moment looked somehow special…”abandoned kid alone”. I feel like the feeling was captured in this photo.

Outside portraits of Iisa

Time has flown…it seems that Iisa was born just yesterday and now she is already big enough to play outside. Today right after nap and snack (=happy kid) I decided to try to take some quick natural light portraits outside. My idea was to make her sit in the middle of a dandelion field. The reality was that none of the dandelion “fields” around our house were big enough, just a couple of flowers. Due to this, the photos ended up being normal on-the-grass portraits. In addition to the above shot, I somehow like the one below with Ode and Iisa:

Rest of the photos (+some extras from today) in slideshow: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2012-05-20%20Outside%20portraits%20of%20Iisa/?action=slideshow

..and in folder mode: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2012-05-20%20Outside%20portraits%20of%20Iisa/


The blueberry bushes are filled with flowers, so I am hoping that we will be getting a good blueberry year. The above shot is a close-up of one flower that will be hopefully be a blueberry later on.

A couple of more macros from this morning are at:

Slideshow: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2012-05-19%20Some%20spring%20macros/?action=slideshow


For tech geeks:

These macros are again shot with the 36mm extension tube and the Nikkor 50/1.4 lens. This has become my favorite macro setup. The magnification ratio is sufficient (0,87) for these nature macros and the closest focus distance (10,8cm) is a few centimeters from the lens so there is some possibility of getting some light into the photos. For “bug macros” I would like to be staying a little bit further away, now almost all bugs are crawling away as I try to approach them.

Nature waking up

I really love this time of the year. Nature is changing daily and the whole summer is in front of us. After a fairly long dry and warm season, there was some rain last night. The rain turned the whole nature green. While the kids were playing at the local park, I was trying to document these first green promises of summer.

In the evening the wind was still blowing so I decided to pack my camera and my windsurfing gear and head to the beach. I suspected that the wind might not be sufficient and I was right. There was no wind what so ever when I got to the beach. Instead I got out my camera and took some photos.

All of these photos can be viewed in slideshow mode: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2012-05-05%20Nature%20photos/?action=slideshow

..or in folder mode: http://kansala.kuvat.fi/kuvat/Antti/2012-05-05%20Nature%20photos/

For tech geeks

The macros from the park are all shot with my Nikkor 50mm/1.4 lens with a 36mm extension tube.