Normal day…

Both of the older kids have learned to climb on the door frame. So now instead of running and yelling, they like to stay up… 🙂

A couple of more shots I was able to get of them today:

For tech geeks:

For these shots, I quickly set up two off-camera flashes inside the rooms to give some rim light to the kids. I also had an on-camera flash on ttl to give fill light. This setup was done in like 2 minutes and I had no time to really adjust the lights.

Close-up spiders

I like the amazing world that opens up when you stop in the forest and start observing really closely what is happening around you. There are many creatures that you would otherwise pass by without noticing. The above spider was moving along a single line of spider web. This little fellow went almost unnoticed with the protective coloring: Continue reading

October dawn

After a windy Saturday, the dawn on Sunday was beautiful. This photo is from our summer place. Without our kids waking up so early, I would never get to see these moments. So after all there are positive things from them waking up so early 🙂