
Today was yet another magnificent winter day! The conditions were perfect for beautiful snowflakes. I had my camera along and managed to capture a few of the flakes.

Rest of the flakes are here:

 For tech geeks:

I used my Nikkor 85/1.8 with extension rings. This has become my trusted choice of weapon when I need to take some macros and don’t have too much time to think about the setup. Worked perfectly again.

Gadfly and a beetle

It has been again very quiet with the blog lately. Mainly this is due to the intense training for my Ironman competition in two weeks.

But here we go with some summer shots. This gadfly is from our recent trip to Knappelö. I was also able to get a few shots of a beetle:

For tech geeks:

I used my Nikkor 85/1.8 with extension rings to get these shots.

Nature turning green

Within the past few days the nature has really changed color from dull grey to light green. Trees are waking up, grass is turning green and the nature is getting ready for another summer. The above shot is from Villa Elfvik, here in Espoo Finland. The leaves of a rowan tree had just exposed themselves.

A few more nature related photos from today:

After rain macros

To celebrate 1st of September, nature greeted us with an autumn storm last night. Today there was nothing but wet nature to remind us from the storm. I really like to go out after rain to shoot macros. I packed Iisa in to the Deuter backpack, gave Oona and Ode boxes to collect some blueberries into and headed into the woods nearby. It was a nice morning in nature with the kids. We even spotted a snail saying the it will be sunshine tomorrow: Continue reading


The blueberry bushes are filled with flowers, so I am hoping that we will be getting a good blueberry year. The above shot is a close-up of one flower that will be hopefully be a blueberry later on.

A couple of more macros from this morning are at:



For tech geeks:

These macros are again shot with the 36mm extension tube and the Nikkor 50/1.4 lens. This has become my favorite macro setup. The magnification ratio is sufficient (0,87) for these nature macros and the closest focus distance (10,8cm) is a few centimeters from the lens so there is some possibility of getting some light into the photos. For “bug macros” I would like to be staying a little bit further away, now almost all bugs are crawling away as I try to approach them.